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Wind Meets West


Brooklyn, U.S.A.

Los Angeles, CA, USA

  • voice, guitar, piano, bass, electronic instruments/synthesizer

  • Professional

  • indie pop, electronic pop

Wind Meets West is Tony Nguyen, an LA-born Brooklyn-based singer-songwriter and producer who writes music defined by its emotional vulnerability. His music has garnered over 40k streams on Spotify and has been featured on playlists such as Spotify’s “New From NYC: Pop”. He seeks to write music that helps people feel less alone and can resonate with on a personal level.

In live shows, Tony deep dives into the stories behind his songs, sharing moments from his life that inspire the music he creates. He hopes that by being vulnerable through his songs, listeners can experience catharsis and feel empowered to share and articulate their own feelings.

My Videos

2 Videos



Wind Meets West

live at ecaasu 2021

My Inspiration

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